What's For Lunch?

What's for Lunch?

Let's Do the Numbers

Level:  Super Sleuth

Test your knowledge of the prey and predators of exotic species!


Knobbed Whelk,
Busycon carica

Veined Rapa Whelk,
Rapana venosa

Maximum size

9-10 inches (225-250 mm); males typically <166mm

6 - 7 inches (150 - 180 mm)

Age when it is able to produce young (reproduce)

Females 10+ years
(males mature earlier; some later become female)

2 years


28+ years

10 - 15 years

Shell width for a given shell length (SL)

Less thick and broad

Thicker and very broad

# times that egg strings or mats are laid per year

One (fall, hatch in spring)
in north
Two (May-June and Sept-Nov) in south

Multiple times throughout summer (Chesapeake Bay)

# egg pouches or capsules per string or mat



# fertilized eggs/case

0 -100

200 - 1,000

Hatch time

3 to 13 months

14 -21 days

Pelagic larvae phase (amount of time the young float in the water before settling to bottom)


14 - 80 days

Water temperature range

4 - 25°C

4 - 30°C

Salinity (saltiness of water) range

> 18 parts per thousand (ppt)

> 15 parts per thousand (ppt)

Type of bottom preferred

Sandy/muddy bottom

Young - hard bottom
Adults - sandy/muddy bottom

Growth rate

Newly-hatched: ~.7 mm/wk
>36 mm by one year
>144 mm by 10 years

Newly-settled: >1mm/wk
40-50 mm shell length (SL) by 5 months
>60 mm SL by one year

How long until its size protects it from predation?

Snails less than < 1 yr old
eaten by crabs

>100 mm shell length (SL)

Click on the column you think is the correct snail.

If your answer is correct, the box will turn Green. But if you get it wrong, it will turn Red.

  Knobbed Whelk Rapa Whelk
Which snail matures faster?    
Which snail lays egg strings or mats multiple times each year?    
Which snail hatches more capsules or pouches per string or mat?    
Which snail grows a thicker shell?    
Which snail grows faster?    
Which snail can tolerate a broader range of salinity? (Salinity measures the concentration of salt in the water; ocean water has the highest salinity while water from your faucet has the lowest.)    
Which snail has a pelagic larval stage, meaning it floats around with the water currents when it is first hatched?    
Which snail has more characteristics of an invasive species?