Classroom Plants and Animals
Student Stewardship
Fact Sheets
Workshops and Courses
Education Kits
Aquatic Invader Toolkit
Threats to Biodiversity
Web Links
Dropsite for Student Projects





nabProtecting the Great Lakes from aquatic invaders requires information, resources, and the right HabitattitudeTM. We want to provide you with relevant and engaging information on the various species, their modes of entry, and their impacts. That is why everything you need to turn your classroom into full-fledged student investigators is here – from project ideas to examples of student stewardship projects throughout the Great Lakes region.

The resources below will help you teach your new “detectives” about crimes committed by these invaders and help “book the bad guys” as students take on various cases. We invite you to share your successful projects.

Invaders in the Great Lakes: Project Overviews and Outcomes

Take a look at project concepts for classroom activities and other ways to engage your students in developing the right HabitattitudeTM to Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!

Stewardship in Action: Educational Project Models

Check out these innovative stewardship and science education projects, from public service announcements to community presentations, and more.

Teacher Exchange: Share Your Students' Stewardship Projects

Provide your own project examples, share tips and ideas with your colleagues, and find new ways to increase Great Lakes literacy in your classroom while meeting current education standards.